Sunday, August 19, 2012

Walking in Memphis

A few weeks ago, my darling mother came and visited us in Little Rock! It was so nice to have something to do besides our usual work routine. We visited some places that Kyle and I have found while living here this summer, and explored a few more. We were also able to visit a couple families my mom taught on her mission! My favorite part, though, was our weekend getaway to Memphis!
There aren't any LDS temples in Arkansas, and Kyle and I haven't been able to take enough time off work to make the trip to Memphis, so my mom and I did! The temple is a lot smaller than any in Utah, but is still so beautiful and, like any other House of the Lord, the spirit was so strong.
Friday night, we took a stroll down Beale St. This was definitely a new experience for me! The road was completely blocked off and surrounded by cops. You had to show ID and then were searched by the police in order to get in. The whole street was like one big party! People were everywhere - dancing and drinking (don't worry, we didn't participate haha) and having a good time. There were signs posted everywhere saying "No loitering past 3am"..definitely not your typical Utah neighborhood! We ate at the Rum Boogie Cafe and enjoyed some live music.
Ready for my other most favorite part? On our way back, we stopped by another restaurant, Lunchbox Eats. It was the cutest place ever! It looked just like a little house on the outside, and on the inside it was decorated just like a schoolhouse. We ate off of lunch trays, filled out a "quiz" to order from the menu, and sat at a cafeteria table. Not only was the decor awesome, but the food was great, too!! We both loved our Cantaloupe lemonade and my chicken and waffles were delicious!
All in all, I'd say it was a great week. It was fun spending time with my mom and visiting new places.

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