Monday, August 20, 2012

New Asay addition: Sophie!

Yes, we turned into a cat family. But we really couldn't resist! For those of you who don't know, we've been living in Arkansas this summer doing satellite sales. We had been here for about a month when one of the guys in our office came home from selling with the cutest little kitten. Kyle and I had been talking about getting a pet, but decided we would wait until we were out of the apartment stage of life and had a home... that plan sure didn't last long! 

Austin had rescued Sophie from a home in Pine Bluff where he saw the "owner" kicking her around his front yard. The man must have been kicking  her pretty hard for a 19 year old guy, who's allergic to cats nonetheless, to feel the need to bring her home. We went over to visit the new kitten that night and instantly fell in love. She was tiny from not eating and wouldn't leave our sides. We brought her home just for the night but ended up keeping her. Sophie has been such a great and happy addition to our home! She keeps us entertained and smiling!

Some of the funny things our little Sophie does:
Messes up all my stacks of organized paperwork for work, folds her arms, tries to steal our dinner, climbs up our legs, and not to mention she loves computers.

She is such a blessing and keeps me company all day while Kyle is at work. I wouldn't deny that I take way too many pictures of her. She loves sticking her tongue out and climbing all the way up to perch on our shoulders. Isn't she the cutest?! Ok ok, just a few more pictures and I'll stop!

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